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Showing posts from 2018

after 2 years.. I come back

assalamualaikum and helluuuuuu people.. I'm back, finally after two years with no update on this blog. yess. and I update this blog sebab tiba-tiba teringat that I actually have a blog *whatt!!*😱😱 nampak tak kat situ actually I lupa that I have a blog. dah la the last post I posted was during my last day in asasi.. HAHAHA the promise that I made yang nak selalu write on this blog because I ada cuti for almost 1 year before continue my degree tu hanya menjadi omong-omong kosong.. so teruk la I ni kannn huhuuhuu so currently I'm pursuing my degree..haha what course is should be secret right.. shhh. currently my 2nd semester as year 1. almost about 1 month to go, my final exam is coming 😲😲. I'm not ready yetttt!!! I'm writing this in 2am.. but tomorrow need to wake up early sebab nak revise for quiz upcoming this tuesday.. I'm so scared sebab this subject I paling takut sbb last quiz for this subject I got quite low marks.. but serve me then sebab I tak study elo